
Hachiro and Joe Miyazawa – Japanese Camp and Mill Workers Union

Download Miyazawa audio recording [00:39:40] (.mp3) 

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Joe Miyazawa

This recording contains a 1964 interview with Hachiro Miyazawa and his son Joe Miyazawa about the Camp and Mill Workers Union which Hachiro helped to organize in the 1920s to represent Japanese lumber mill workers in British Columbia. They discuss the formation of the union, its affiliation with the Vancouver Trades and Labour Council, working conditions for Japanese immigrants, political attitudes in the community, and the decline of the union over time. Joe Miyazawa was also a union activist and organizer with the International Woodworkers of America (I.W.A.)

Keywords: Japanese Camp and Mill Workers Union, Swanson Bay, Asiatic Exclusion League, Percy Bengough, Vancouver Trades and Labour Council, O.B.U. [One Big Union], Wally LeFeaux, Umezuki, co-op store, Minshu, Continental Times, Canadian Labour Party, Ocean Falls, relief camps, CCF (Co-operative Commonwealth Federation), Angus MacInnis, Steveston fishermen’s union, Hastings sawmill, labour contractor, I.W.A. [International Woodworkers of America]