Miners’ Union Hospitals in B.C.

Researched and written by Donna Sacuta Additional research by Greg Nesteroff Hospitals run co-operatively “for use rather than profit” Miners’ Union Hospitals were a radical response to the critical need for inclusive health care in B.C.’s mining communities more than …

Frances Foxcroft

Frances ‘Frank’ Foxcroft She stood firm and blocked the way by Donna Sacuta Frances ‘Frank’1 Foxcroft likely saved the life of Vancouver Trades and Labour Council Secretary Victor Midgely on the afternoon of August 2, 1918. A rampaging mob of …

Tranquille Flag

“The Most Exciting Thing We Could Have Done” Union flag fashioned from a bed sheet became a symbol of solidarity and determination during the 1983 Tranquille Institution occupation. On July 19, 1983 an inspirational episode in BC labour history began. …

Charles S. Sager

Charles S. Sager called out racism in an open letter to Prince George city council in 1921 “We are forced to bear the full responsibility of our race, forced into the lowest of menial occupations and then despised for doing …