The First of May

There is May Day and there’s the “First of May”. Let’s not confuse them. Written and researched by Donna Sacuta Labour’s May Day (sometimes called International Workers’ Day) on the “First of May” has been held around the world for …

The Battle of Kelly’s Cut

Prince Rupert’s Fight Over Labour Rights, 110 Years Ago Written by Bailey Garden, BCLHC Project Manager; Research by Bailey Garden & Rod Mickleburgh The Industrial Workers of the World, otherwise known as the IWW or the Wobblies, were the most …

Jack Kavanagh

An Irish-Marxist BC Labour Leader written by Donna Sacuta A fiery Irish-Catholic who lost both parents before he turned 12, Jack Kavanagh came to Vancouver in 1908 after serving in the British Army in South Africa during the Boer War. …

Pins and Needles

Dress Suits Conspicuous by Their Absence at ‘Pins and Needles’ Revue Written and researched by Donna Sacuta In September 1938, the International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU) brought their theatrical musical hit “Pins and Needles” to Vancouver where it played …