Oral History Interviews
The BC Labour Oral History Project has been conducting audio and video interviews with the people at the heart of labour history in British Columbia since March 2016. The Project continues to collect and preserve their stories. The interviews are also archived for long-term preservation at Simon Fraser University.
- Jackie Ainsworth
- Michele Alexander
- Carmela Allevato
- Chris Allnutt
- Carolyn Askew
- Cliff Andstein
- Sandra Banister
- Ken Bauder
- John Bowman
- Kate Braid
- George Brandak
- Hans Brown
- John Burrows
- Mae Burrows
- Peter Burton
- John Calvert
- Peter Cameron
- Jackie Campbell
- Nick Carr
- Judy Cavanagh
- Laird Cronk
- Roger Crowther
- Judy Darcy
- Elsie Dean
- Tom Dufresne
- Mike Dumler
- Glen Edwards
- Lloyd Edwards
- Terry Engler
- David Fairey
- Colleen Fuller
- Colin Gabelmann
- Ken Georgetti
- David Gellately
- Mark Gordienko
- Sean Griffin
- Brian Hamaguchi
- Leila Harding
- Joey Hartman
- Anne Harvey
- Ray Haynes
- George Hewison
- George Heyman
- Rod Hiebert
- Amber Hockin
- Ken Isomura
- John Jensen
- Gary Johnson
- Colleen Jordan
- Audrey Keely
- Jef Keighley
- Denise Kellahan
- Diana Kilmury
- Bernice Kirk
- Gary Kroeker
- Art Kube
- Mary LaPlante
- Russ Leech
- Ivan Limpright
- Lee Loftus
- Clive Lytle
- Ken MacLean
- George MacPherson
- Leo McGrady
- Geoff Meggs
- Neil Menard
- Dan Miller
- Arnie Nagy
- Brian Nasu
- Des Nobels
- Gayle Nye
- Shan O’Hara
- Barry O’Neill
- Muriel Overgaard
- Bonnie Pearson
- Randy Pearson
- Sy Pederson
- Wayne Peppard
- Sheila Pither
- Marion Pollack and Micki McCune
- Patrice Pratt
- Dave Pritchett
- Jim Quail
- John Radosevic
- Paul Ramsey
- Vince Ready
- John Rogers
- Andy Ross
- Bill Routley
- Stan Shewaga
- John Shields
- Jim Sinclair
- Bill Smith
- Dave Smith
- Gary Steeves
- Grace Stevens
- Harold Steves
- Roger Stonebanks
- Jess Succamore
- Joy Thorkelson
- Henry van der Wiel
- Kristina Vandervoort
- Mervyn Van Steinburg
- Cathy Walker
- Darryl Walker
- Patricia Wejr
- Warren Williams
- Dave Wilson
- Diane Wood
- Garry Worth
- Sharon Yandle
- Bill Zander