Search Results for: Prince Rupert

John Radosevic

Interviewed by Sean Griffin John Radosevic was born in Croatia (former Yugoslavia) before moving to Canada as a young boy. As a teenager he worked on an uncle’s ranch in Alberta and in the dangerous job of tie-up man in seine fishing in B.C. In 1971, he began working as […]

Des Nobels

Interviewed by Rod Mickleburgh Des Nobels lived and worked in the fishing industry on the north coast of B.C. his entire adult life, from being a crew member to a vessel owner. He became active in the Northern Gillnetters’ Association in the 1980s, and later was president of Local 37 […]

Henry van der Wiel

Interviewed by Rod Mickleburgh Henry van der Wiel first came to Prince Rupert in 1963 to work on a fish boat, and relocated permanently in 1966. He eventually bought his own gillnetter. When he became a member of the United Fishermen and Allied Workers Union (UFAWU) he had never belonged […]

Joy Thorkelson

Interviewed by Rod Mickleburgh and Donna Sacuta In this 1.5 hr conversation, Rod Mickleburgh and Donna Sacuta interview Joy Thorkelson. Joy is a resident of Prince Rupert and held positions as organizer and president of the UFAWU (United Fishermen and Allied Workers Union). Joy describes how she came to Prince […]

Mary LaPlante

Interviewed by Patricia Wejr Mary LaPlante was introduced to unions when she worked at a fish plant as a summer job. She later worked at the Prince Rupert Hospital where most staff were unionized, but not the administrative staff where she worked. Mary organized them into the Hospital Employees’ Union […]